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Judicial Liability and Legal Defense

Coverage A: Professional and Managerial Liability

Coverage for actual legal expenses and money damages incurred as a result of a managerial or professional act made in your capacity as a judge.

Coverage B: Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Awards

Coverage for attorney's fees you may become obligated to pay as a result of a claim filed under "The Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Awards Act 0f 1976".

Coverage C: Judicial Disciplinary Proceedings

Coverage for actual legal expenses incurred as a result of defense before a governmental judicial disciplinary board.

Coverage D: Employment Practices Liability

Costs of defense and damages from claims arising out of the employment termination, retention or refusal to employ an individual.

Limits of Liability

Standard limits and premiums for individual judges are shown below. Higher limits are available subject to Underwriters approval.

  • $100,000 per claim / $250,000 aggregate for Coverage A
  • $100,000 per claim / $250,000 aggregate for Coverage B
  • $15,000 per claim / $45,000 aggregate for Coverage C
  • $100,000 per claim / $250,000 aggregate for Coverage D
  • Deductible per claim (AK, CA, NJ, NY, WA) is $3,000
  • Deductible per claim (all other states) is $2,500

Annual Premiums

Combine coverages A, B, C and D for the broadest protection, or purchase Coverages A and B only, or purchase Coverage C only.

  • $2,400 Coverages A, B, C, and D
  • $1,980 Coverages A, B, and C
  • $1,100 Coverages A and B only
  • $1,020 Coverage C only

Please note

This insurance will be quoted through the National Association of Salaried Professionals Purchasing Group where applicable.